So here me and the kids are still in Florida while J's at home looking for a job and working with his dad while he can. The funny thing is I think when I'm home without him I have it better because I still have the kids. He told me tonite that he tossed and turned the first night until he had to turn the monitor on to sleep. The cute thing about it is he's always complaining about the noise of the monitor.
J.C. is rollin and slowly scootin all over the place. The other day I probed him up holding on to the couch and he stood there for about 5 min before he decided he'd had enough. He's growing up way to fast, I want to keep him as a baby, but I know I can't. Ry is a hoot, I don't know what to do with her. She thinks she's such a big girl and yet at 2 she gets so frustrated on the things she's still to little for.
I'm doing great. I've stopped losing weight but I haven't gained any of it back. So as long as I watch myself I should do good. Who knew having a boy would get me back to the wait I was at 20.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Some thing good out of everything!(We hope)
Well here we set in Florida with mom and dad. It's wonderful, we'll be here for 3 weeks. Monday while I was packing for us to come Jeremy called and had lost his job. Yepee. So he goes home next week just to look for a new job. But while I was flipping out over this I'm on the phone with my sister. She has to put me on hold to come back and tell me her husbands grandfather wasn't expected to make it through the night. Talk about putting things into perspective. Well he passed Wed. morning and I want to send my prayers out to their family.
Well I'll probably write some more with this trip. Wed. before Thanksgiving we're heading to Disney World. I know it's for the kids but I've never been I'm soooo excited!
Well I'll probably write some more with this trip. Wed. before Thanksgiving we're heading to Disney World. I know it's for the kids but I've never been I'm soooo excited!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Hi again
We're heading to Florida soon. I can't wait to go. 3 weeks away from here be awesome. I think it will really do us some good. I keep hoping maybe some day to move there. But then I think about all my friends here and don't want to leave them. So we'll see what happens.
We've decided to get Ry a big girl bed for Christmas so if anyone has any suggestions on where we can go that's not cheap but inexpensive we'd appreciate the input.
We've decided to get Ry a big girl bed for Christmas so if anyone has any suggestions on where we can go that's not cheap but inexpensive we'd appreciate the input.
I've been thinking a lot about what I have to be thankful for lately and here it goes...
- I have a loving sexy husband, who is still in love with me.
- I have to beautiful, healthy, and happy children. One girl and one boy.
- I have to loving parents, who I can be myself around and not worry about disappointing to badly.
- 3 of my 4 grandparents are still alive and are the most caring people.
- My sister and I are still close even many miles apart and married one of the most caring fun lovin guys I know.(I do wish I knew him better but the miles thing.)
- My brother is a well respected police officer and married a wonderful woman that I can just talk to for hours like we've been friends our whole life.
- 3 beautiful nephews that the older two seem to be kinda partial to me(even miles apart.)
- 3 beautiful nieces that I love very much.
- Friends that have been there threw it all and I know I can count on even if we are busy and can't talk much. (ALL MY FRIENDS)
- My bf's parents who have adopted us into their hearts and family.
- A BF that has been there to help me through everything.
- My family immediate and extended for all their love and support.
And I know there is more but I'm getting kinda tired. This list outways the bad and I thank God for that everyday.
My goal to you is make a list of everything you have to be thankful for, all the good in your life, and if you want make a list of the bad. Let me know what you come up with.
Sorry so long
Wow the last couple of months have flown by. Jakob is 4 monthes old today and movin and a groovin. We moved into a town house Sept. 18, and love it here. It was just time to be on our own again. J was getting tired of coming home and not having time with just us. And I was getting tired of not being able to relax. But anyways, we moved out and stayed with our bf for two weeks while we set everything up to get moved in here. Rylee is so happy she has a room for her toys (all the toys from Christmas she really didn't get to play with, so the first week we lived here it was like Christmas all over again.) J is still working for the drilling company all though he is switching rigs next week for a promotion and raise. And it's closer to the house so he can come home every day or other day which ever he chooses. Contrary to some peoples believe he works a lot of hours not because I ask but because he wants to better our family and he comes home in middle of work because he misses us not because I throw a fit. Okay I'm done ranting on that.
Mom, Dad, S. and T. came to see us this last weekend, it was wonderful seeing all 4 of them. Rylee took to Grandma like she was the greatest person in the world. I love seeing that because they don't get that much time with the kids. Mom and Dad got to see Jakob for the first time to. He was all smiles and laughes for them. Not that he normally isn't. He has to be the happiest baby in the world (yes I know I'm byass). He sleeps completely through the night has since my last blog. He cries when he's hungry or tired. He thinks getting dressed and undressed is the funniest thing in the world (mom enjoyed that part, just watching him laugh as I put his pj's on him at night). Rylee is such a big helper I was feeding him a bottle the other day and had to put him down and run to the other room. Rylee came to inform me that J.C. was crying I told her I know and I'd be there in 2min. Well I came back into the room and she was gently feeding him his bottle. She looked up at me with the biggest smile and saies, "See Mommy I help." She was soo proud of herself and I was very very proud of my big girl. Still not potty trained though. Okay I think that's it for the night.
Mom, Dad, S. and T. came to see us this last weekend, it was wonderful seeing all 4 of them. Rylee took to Grandma like she was the greatest person in the world. I love seeing that because they don't get that much time with the kids. Mom and Dad got to see Jakob for the first time to. He was all smiles and laughes for them. Not that he normally isn't. He has to be the happiest baby in the world (yes I know I'm byass). He sleeps completely through the night has since my last blog. He cries when he's hungry or tired. He thinks getting dressed and undressed is the funniest thing in the world (mom enjoyed that part, just watching him laugh as I put his pj's on him at night). Rylee is such a big helper I was feeding him a bottle the other day and had to put him down and run to the other room. Rylee came to inform me that J.C. was crying I told her I know and I'd be there in 2min. Well I came back into the room and she was gently feeding him his bottle. She looked up at me with the biggest smile and saies, "See Mommy I help." She was soo proud of herself and I was very very proud of my big girl. Still not potty trained though. Okay I think that's it for the night.
Friday, August 04, 2006
WOW six weeks!!
I can not believe it's been six weeks since Jakob was born. (pics on June 23, 2006 I was induced at 7:00 a.m., by 11:51 a.m I heard my son for the first time and diffently not the last. He is a good baby, only wakes up once a night or doesn't wake up at all at night since the day I brought him home. His sister absolutly loves him, though she does get jealuse every once in awhile. She's growing like a weed and hasn't really decided to potty train for a week then doesnt want to and now she's back to wanting to so we'll see. I can't believe how well you can understand her but then I think she's 2 now mommy. It's so hard to believe she's two now but I enjoy every moment. Jakob is holding his own head up all the time now, he's done it since he was born but now you can't keep it down. He's figured out that if you sqrunges up his legs and pushes he moves and when he gets mad enough he can roll over. Well I think that's it for now I'll try to update more often but it's a little more hectic around here now.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Update finally
Went to the doctor last Friday- everything is going great I'm dilated to a 2 and 70% efaced. If I haven't had Jakob by this Friday June 23rd I will be induced.
Had Rylee's 2nd birthday party on Saturday. Nice "small" turn out which was actually I relief after last year. I got to relax and enjoy the party. Of course it helped being 9 mths pregnent and having as wonderful of a husband, best friend, sister-in-law, and friend as I do.
Thank y'all for your help.
Rylee's birthday was Sunday as was fathers day. Went to brunch at D's then came home and Uncle J cooked steaks. Relaxing very full day.
Finished the house except for the back door. Now all we are waiting for is the money to do the septic so we can move in!!
OH AND I'M TIRED OF BEING PREGNENT, any suggestions on how to move this along. I'm ready to hold my son!
Had Rylee's 2nd birthday party on Saturday. Nice "small" turn out which was actually I relief after last year. I got to relax and enjoy the party. Of course it helped being 9 mths pregnent and having as wonderful of a husband, best friend, sister-in-law, and friend as I do.
Thank y'all for your help.
Rylee's birthday was Sunday as was fathers day. Went to brunch at D's then came home and Uncle J cooked steaks. Relaxing very full day.
Finished the house except for the back door. Now all we are waiting for is the money to do the septic so we can move in!!
OH AND I'M TIRED OF BEING PREGNENT, any suggestions on how to move this along. I'm ready to hold my son!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
My letter is D
As most of you know my mom and sister are doing ten words about you with one letter. My sister has asigned me the letter D! So lets see what I can come up with:
1. Daughter- I am the eldest daughter of two very loving parents. Who I wouldn't be who I am today with out.
2. Domenent- As my husband saies, I have to be in charge of the situation no matter what it is.
3. Dog tired- I'm 9 months pregnent and caring for a 2 year old.
Now why did she choose D.......................................................................
4. Dance- I love to dance
5. Ditzi- to a certian extent. I got it in my head as a girl that ditzi's what guys want. Then I met my husband and it's taking a long time to actually learn the things I blew off in high school.
6. Determined- I never give up on anything no matter how annoying I get.
7. Dedicated- To making sure my families cared for.
8. Drunk- Not like your thinking, after 8 years of marriage I am still drunk on my husbands love.
9. Doer- When I set my mind to something it gets done and if I have to rely on someone to help it doesn't get done fast enough for me.
10. Doe- I have big brown doe eyes
And here you have it I made it threw in only 1 hour. Leave a comment if you would like I letter and I'll assign it.
1. Daughter- I am the eldest daughter of two very loving parents. Who I wouldn't be who I am today with out.
2. Domenent- As my husband saies, I have to be in charge of the situation no matter what it is.
3. Dog tired- I'm 9 months pregnent and caring for a 2 year old.
Now why did she choose D.......................................................................
4. Dance- I love to dance
5. Ditzi- to a certian extent. I got it in my head as a girl that ditzi's what guys want. Then I met my husband and it's taking a long time to actually learn the things I blew off in high school.
6. Determined- I never give up on anything no matter how annoying I get.
7. Dedicated- To making sure my families cared for.
8. Drunk- Not like your thinking, after 8 years of marriage I am still drunk on my husbands love.
9. Doer- When I set my mind to something it gets done and if I have to rely on someone to help it doesn't get done fast enough for me.
10. Doe- I have big brown doe eyes
And here you have it I made it threw in only 1 hour. Leave a comment if you would like I letter and I'll assign it.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
5 weeks left
Thursday I had a sonogram and found out little Jakob is around 5 lb and 11 oz, which is 2 oz shy of 2 lb more than the last sono 4 weeks ago. So far we have a healthy little boy. I can't wait to hold him and interduce his big sister to him. Rylee seems to be getting excited and you can tell she knows somethings about to change. You know all those little things she knows better then to do well she does them about 20 times a day.
Jeremy is still enjoying his job, though we still miss him so much when he's gone, but he's making a living supporting us and so I smile and send him to work praying for his safety.
That's all for today.
Jeremy is still enjoying his job, though we still miss him so much when he's gone, but he's making a living supporting us and so I smile and send him to work praying for his safety.
That's all for today.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
As most of you have heard (nationally) our little town of Westminster was struck by 2 maybe 3 tornadoes Tuesday night. While my family went untouched. (Jeremy and his uncle stood outside and watched it go behind us which is to the west.) We didn't even get wind damage hail or nothing (THANK YOU LORD). But I do want to stop and remember our neighbors who have lost their homes and livilihood. As for the family's of the 3 sent to see Jesus during this horrible storm. My heart and prayers go out for you. The damage is extremely horrible to see. Jeremy and I went driving last night to check on his childhood friends old homes or homes and familys. There was a trailer home on its side, a car wrapped around a tree while the rest of it was in a ditch. All of this in a five mile ratios of us so again I say THANK YOU LORD!!
To start the night off, Jeremy is down laying carpet in the house, I put Rylee to bed and head down there to join him. As I start down I notice lightning to the North of us. Well we are in Texas and it is May so I don't think much of it. Within 10 min. the lightning is so bad Jeremy sends me back up to the house with his truck (there wasn't room for both of us in it and since I am 8 mths pregnent we decided he could run faster.). Then our neighbor gets home and is met by his wife who seemed a little nervise bout the coming storm. So I go get Jeremy in the van and tell him he was coming back up with me. We drive the 2 seconds back up and open the door and you can feel the heat of the storm. About 10 we start watching the weather and they are talking about Anna (not uncommon this time of year) Then they start naming Westminster. Okay now I'm flipping cause not only do the name us they say we have 2 min to take cover. I grab Rylee bring her into the living room and Jeremy and Jerry move the couch out from the wall and set up a makeshift bed for her. Well I just lay her on the couch and am watching with the guys outside and the news. Oh all of this while on the phone with my best friend who's flipping out with me. Jeremy see's the twister behind the house (west) and is talking about seeing routation thinking it's so cool. (Found out yesterday it wasn't so cool it was a tornado on the ground taking out houses.) But at the time the thunder was so loud from the ground lightning that we couldn't tell the difference (these homes are about a 1/4 mile from our house straight through field. 2 miles taking roads not that a twister takes roads.) Then we hear it and know that it's on the ground. The electricity goes out and Jeremy yells to get Ry. I grab her and look outside and the lightning bugs are back out and the rain has started again. So as we calm down we go out to check on the neighbors on our street. About an hour later we realize how serias it is when three different towns send rescue help and helicopters start flying around. About 1:30 we are getting chewed out for not calling anyone because the news is reporting the whole town was demolished. (again driving around yesterday we do live in the only neighborhood that went completely untouched as far as we can tell.
So again I send a quick pray of praise for my family and send my prayers out to our neighbors and friends.
To start the night off, Jeremy is down laying carpet in the house, I put Rylee to bed and head down there to join him. As I start down I notice lightning to the North of us. Well we are in Texas and it is May so I don't think much of it. Within 10 min. the lightning is so bad Jeremy sends me back up to the house with his truck (there wasn't room for both of us in it and since I am 8 mths pregnent we decided he could run faster.). Then our neighbor gets home and is met by his wife who seemed a little nervise bout the coming storm. So I go get Jeremy in the van and tell him he was coming back up with me. We drive the 2 seconds back up and open the door and you can feel the heat of the storm. About 10 we start watching the weather and they are talking about Anna (not uncommon this time of year) Then they start naming Westminster. Okay now I'm flipping cause not only do the name us they say we have 2 min to take cover. I grab Rylee bring her into the living room and Jeremy and Jerry move the couch out from the wall and set up a makeshift bed for her. Well I just lay her on the couch and am watching with the guys outside and the news. Oh all of this while on the phone with my best friend who's flipping out with me. Jeremy see's the twister behind the house (west) and is talking about seeing routation thinking it's so cool. (Found out yesterday it wasn't so cool it was a tornado on the ground taking out houses.) But at the time the thunder was so loud from the ground lightning that we couldn't tell the difference (these homes are about a 1/4 mile from our house straight through field. 2 miles taking roads not that a twister takes roads.) Then we hear it and know that it's on the ground. The electricity goes out and Jeremy yells to get Ry. I grab her and look outside and the lightning bugs are back out and the rain has started again. So as we calm down we go out to check on the neighbors on our street. About an hour later we realize how serias it is when three different towns send rescue help and helicopters start flying around. About 1:30 we are getting chewed out for not calling anyone because the news is reporting the whole town was demolished. (again driving around yesterday we do live in the only neighborhood that went completely untouched as far as we can tell.
So again I send a quick pray of praise for my family and send my prayers out to our neighbors and friends.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Another week fatter
went to the doctor this morning. They put me on the monitor, I'm still having contractions but there not doing anything as of right now. Blood pressure is fine they are just worried about the contractions. But I did find out that I get the enjoyment of their company every week now until Jakob is born. Oh and I will have another sono on May 25th
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Pregnency Fun
Had an 11 o'clock appt this morning and the nurse took my blood pressure and then the doctor took it. I asked if everything was okay and he said he just wanted to check it again. Then he told me that he wanted to see me next week and he was going to start monitoring me. So right now I have no clue what's going on. If I should be worried or not, just no clue. Then at 2:30 I had a sono. Jakob has flipped which is good. He 's about 3 lb 13 oz and looking good. So next tuesday at 10:30 hopefully I'll know what's going on!
Monday, April 24, 2006
Jeremy comes home from work today, we get to keep him until next monday. I know his daughter is going to be very happy!! Yesterday she was asking where her daddy was and I told her at work. Well she's hit the "Why" stage. and kept asking why. I told her to pay bills and take care of us and she kept asking. So let me explain my daughter, she is a shoe fanatic. She loves shoes and you get her new shoes and she is in heaven for weeks, and nothing can take her shoes away the biggest fight we have at night is taking them off anymore. Well thinking maybe it would help her understand more I told her he had to work so Rylee could have new shoes. So she starts trying to take her new shoes off and saying "off mommy off." Like she thought if she didn't have new shoes daddy would me at home, I teared up and so did grandma. I guess I learned that there is one thing that comes before her new shoes and that's her Daddy! Which I believe is wonderful. But I will word things differently now on. Tomorrow I have a doctors appt. and a sono tomorrow so I'll update soon.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I've been tagged
Thanks to mom I have now been tagged. So what are the 6 weirdest things about me.
1. I can tune people out at home during a movie. But I can't at a movie theatere.
2. My husband and I can carry on full conversations while we are both asleep. (according to other people) But don't remember the next morning, until the same conversation is brought up and then we remember the conclusion we came to.
3. I'm like my mother and think everybody wants me to be in a happy mood. Even if I'm in a bad mood I try to come across happy. And the sad part is everyone who knows me knows the difference because they can tell I'm over trying.
4. I want everyone around me to be happy and content. So I get annoying trying to make them that way. I never try to ruffle feathers.
5. My mother in law and I are close friends.
6. I like ranch on my spagatti, lazagna, pizza, most things with tomato sauce. I started it pregnant with my daughter to stop the heart burn. I craved everything with tomato sauce at the time. I just never stoped doing it. And now I put it in my tomato soup.
Now i tag Tina
1. I can tune people out at home during a movie. But I can't at a movie theatere.
2. My husband and I can carry on full conversations while we are both asleep. (according to other people) But don't remember the next morning, until the same conversation is brought up and then we remember the conclusion we came to.
3. I'm like my mother and think everybody wants me to be in a happy mood. Even if I'm in a bad mood I try to come across happy. And the sad part is everyone who knows me knows the difference because they can tell I'm over trying.
4. I want everyone around me to be happy and content. So I get annoying trying to make them that way. I never try to ruffle feathers.
5. My mother in law and I are close friends.
6. I like ranch on my spagatti, lazagna, pizza, most things with tomato sauce. I started it pregnant with my daughter to stop the heart burn. I craved everything with tomato sauce at the time. I just never stoped doing it. And now I put it in my tomato soup.
Now i tag Tina
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
10 more weeks!!! I'm getting excited and realizing I really don't have any boy clothes. I know that I get some from my family but I would like to get some myself. Rylee is growing up soo fast. She copys literally everything you say. I was telling grandma that we sleep till 9 o'clock, she ran around saying 9 o'clock for ten minutes. If you cough or sneeze and sometimes even burp she always asks are you okay and will keep asking until you answer. Same with when she saies thank you you'd better say your welcome pretty fast.
Jeremy has started a new job with Pioneer Drilling Company, so he's gone Monday night home the following Monday night for a week then gone again Monday. We thought it would be harder, but have found out that we get to spend more time with him this way than any other job he's had. So that's really nice.
Jeremy has started a new job with Pioneer Drilling Company, so he's gone Monday night home the following Monday night for a week then gone again Monday. We thought it would be harder, but have found out that we get to spend more time with him this way than any other job he's had. So that's really nice.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
what color should your eyes be
Your Eyes Should Be Brown |
![]() What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart |
What Color Should Your Eyes Be?
Sunday, March 05, 2006
boyish or girlish
***You Are 30% Boyish and 70% Girlish***
Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.
How Boyish or Girlish Are You?
Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.
How Boyish or Girlish Are You?
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Jakob Connor Skogen. Now Rylee has a little brother to beat up on. We started out this morning with no sleep, Rylee decided it was play time a 1 a.m. until 7:15 or so. Went and saw the doctor for a regular check up and Jeremy got to hear the heartbeat for the first time with this pregnancy. Went out to eat at Two Rows in Allen, if you've never been it's awsome. Then went back for the sono. This child is so active it took forever to get the pictures. Very healthy and normal she kept saying. Then she stopped and asked if we had a prefrence, Jeremy, Cheryl, and I all said a healthy baby. She said good answer. Will it is a healthy baby and you are definitly having a and then paused for a little while and said BOY! We all screamed and laughed. It was a wonderful feeling! Will guess that's all for now.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Quick update
Rylee is getting so big! She saies Thank you and please. We've been teaching her yes ma'am (sir) and no ma'am (sir). She learns as fast as I can teach her. She has now decided that Aunt Tina is T. She can pronounce Tina she just chooses to call her T. She loves to raise my shirt and kiss the baby and talk to the baby. She can say Jakob and Bayleigh.
10 days till the sono, I can't wait to see what this little one is. I'm ready to put a name to my second little miracle.
So what do you think Jakob or Bayleigh.
let me know.
10 days till the sono, I can't wait to see what this little one is. I'm ready to put a name to my second little miracle.
So what do you think Jakob or Bayleigh.
let me know.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Dr. Appt.
I went to the doctor Tuesday the 31st. Everything looks great. I did loose another 3 lb. but the doctors not worried. They have set my sono for 1:30 p.m. on Feb. 21st. So I should have more to update on that then.
Jeremy and I have moved in with Cheryl temporarily. Just until we get our house set up out here. Things are going great so far.
Jeremy and I have moved in with Cheryl temporarily. Just until we get our house set up out here. Things are going great so far.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
IT'S A BABY!!!!!
Okay we already figured out it's a baby. But we felt the baby move tonite. I was leaning against the counter cooking when the weight in my belly started moving back and forth. So I put my hands down on my belly and could feel him (or her) shifting the weight back and forth in there. I called Jeremy over and he could feel it to. He thought it was so cool and so did I. After feeling it I have been really able to feel movement more. Rylee's hit the terrible 2's about 6 mths early. She's testing us on everything. You tell her not to do something she does it anyways just to see if you meant it. Mamma let me say I'm sorry for doing that to you. Oh and bedtimes the worst we start putting her down at 8:30 and she finally goes to sleep somewhere between 9 and 10. But only when daddys home for just me she normally goes down pretty good. But I know it's cause she misses him and is scared she won't see him for awhile if she goes to sleep. Hopefully it will stop being a constant on when he gets home late or she just gets used to it. Well that is all for now later.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Wednesday I went to the doctor and everything is great. My blood pressure is back to normal and everything is perfect. He was concerned about my still getting sick in the evenings so he prescribed me some phenigian (however you spell it). Well I took it the other night and it knocked me out for 10 hours.
Rylee is growing up so fast. Her new saying is OH MAN! It's SO cute! But that's about all, oh Jeremy loves his new job. We wish he could be at home more often. But you can't complain when it's providing for your family.
Rylee is growing up so fast. Her new saying is OH MAN! It's SO cute! But that's about all, oh Jeremy loves his new job. We wish he could be at home more often. But you can't complain when it's providing for your family.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Who knows?
Who knows...
Why there's brail on the drive thru at the bank
Why you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway
why there's locks on 7/11 doors when they are open 24 hrs
why we Christians sit back and let the world take away all our rights?
Why there's brail on the drive thru at the bank
Why you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway
why there's locks on 7/11 doors when they are open 24 hrs
why we Christians sit back and let the world take away all our rights?
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Doctor Visit
Today I had my first sonogram. The baby is very healthy and is due on July 1, 2006. I'm not far enough a long to find out what it is but hey we'll find out in the next month or so.
We have decided on a boys name, thanks for the imput.
Jakob Connor Skogen
I love it and so does Jeremy. Until next time
We have decided on a boys name, thanks for the imput.
Jakob Connor Skogen
I love it and so does Jeremy. Until next time
Monday, January 02, 2006
New Baby
We are pregnent again yeah! Only problem is we have a girls name picked out
Bayleigh Hope.
But we can't decide on a boys
Jeremy likes Jakob Ryan
I like Conner Ryan
We need your help, please send us your thoughts in comments
Bayleigh Hope.
But we can't decide on a boys
Jeremy likes Jakob Ryan
I like Conner Ryan
We need your help, please send us your thoughts in comments
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