Thursday, April 20, 2006

I've been tagged

Thanks to mom I have now been tagged. So what are the 6 weirdest things about me.
1. I can tune people out at home during a movie. But I can't at a movie theatere.
2. My husband and I can carry on full conversations while we are both asleep. (according to other people) But don't remember the next morning, until the same conversation is brought up and then we remember the conclusion we came to.
3. I'm like my mother and think everybody wants me to be in a happy mood. Even if I'm in a bad mood I try to come across happy. And the sad part is everyone who knows me knows the difference because they can tell I'm over trying.
4. I want everyone around me to be happy and content. So I get annoying trying to make them that way. I never try to ruffle feathers.
5. My mother in law and I are close friends.
6. I like ranch on my spagatti, lazagna, pizza, most things with tomato sauce. I started it pregnant with my daughter to stop the heart burn. I craved everything with tomato sauce at the time. I just never stoped doing it. And now I put it in my tomato soup.
Now i tag Tina

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