Tuesday, January 17, 2006

IT'S A BABY!!!!!

Okay we already figured out it's a baby. But we felt the baby move tonite. I was leaning against the counter cooking when the weight in my belly started moving back and forth. So I put my hands down on my belly and could feel him (or her) shifting the weight back and forth in there. I called Jeremy over and he could feel it to. He thought it was so cool and so did I. After feeling it I have been really able to feel movement more. Rylee's hit the terrible 2's about 6 mths early. She's testing us on everything. You tell her not to do something she does it anyways just to see if you meant it. Mamma let me say I'm sorry for doing that to you. Oh and bedtimes the worst we start putting her down at 8:30 and she finally goes to sleep somewhere between 9 and 10. But only when daddys home for just me she normally goes down pretty good. But I know it's cause she misses him and is scared she won't see him for awhile if she goes to sleep. Hopefully it will stop being a constant on when he gets home late or she just gets used to it. Well that is all for now later.


OMH said...

Her fighting sleep is in her blood - I found with you if I didn't even try to put you down until 9 it was less of a hassle, the earlier I tried the later you were up. It worked well but only if I started at 8:30 with lets get our jammy's on and you have thirty more minutes, 15 more minutes, 5 more minutes then okay lets brush your teeth and get in bed. That started before Britt was born so you were about Rylee's age if not a little younger.

Anonymous said...

I have seen the juicy fruiter blog comment on other blogs with other user names. I begining to think that they named their different personalitys and that is why there are so many different user names.

Anonymous said...

I have been clicking on different links on blogs and I came across yours and I thought you might be interested in my friend Kelly's blog. http://pkkellbell.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that the juicy fruiter comment was left on my sisters blog, by another user.