Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Day 2
So I need to know am I the only one with the apprehension. Starting tomorrow I am suppose to just drop her off at the front of the school. Will she know where to go? Will a teacher direct her where she needs to be? I'm so scared for her but don't want her to know that because I want her to keep this conquerer of the world attitude she has about school. She's so proud of herself and loves school, but she's still my baby girl, I've been wondering if I made a mistake putting her in PreK but then she came home yesterday talking about all they did. Now that she's there again and I'm waiting to go get her I am wondering the same thing. Please tell me other moms go through this and I'm not just a freak!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Ry's first day of school
It started last night at 7 pm when she took herself to bed. I went in there this morning and said wake up sunshine it's time for school. She was down from the top bunk and dressed in 5 minutes I had to make her sit down and eat breakfast. When I dropped her off in her class she gave me a hug and kiss and pretty much said see ya. I didn't start crying until I heard them say it's time for the pledge and to start school all family members need to start heading for the exits. (I was already there so she didn't see me, but me being the emotional fool I am started bawling.) The guy behind me giggled and when I turned around and looked at him I got a, "sorry just remembering my wife the first time we dropped my son off here. Your little one is in good hands." It made me laugh and make it to the car before i got teary eyed again when Jakob wanted to know "where RyRy." Okay there goes my sob story here's what you all want the pics.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Another one
Isn't life interesting, Rylee's preschool teacher was one of Tina's teachers in high school. Everytime I make a comment to anyone they seem to think I'm upset about something. I am not upset with anything or anyone, I just want to make a comment every once in awhile expecially when it deals with me and my family to. So take a deep breath and remember the eggshells won't break I hard boiled them. I love you all and here's some pics of the kids playing at Ry's new school and a pic of the kids with their wonderful cousins that just joined us here from Florida.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Finally an Update

Okay I figure if Britt can right a real update I can let everyone know how we're doing these days. Jeremy is over his 90 days on his new job and insurance will kick in Sept 1st (whoohooo). Rylee starts PreK August 25th (I'm kinda in shock), and I have loved going shopping for her new clothes. She's finally out of toddler and can start wearing 4's in little girls (they've got some cute outfits, Britt and I where wishing some of them where in our sizes yesterday). Jakob is well Jakob, he's finally talking legibly, I'm not sure how he will handle her starting school, but we will get through it. As for me I made the President's list at school again, I'm now the president of the evening chapter of the medical club, and am a ambassador of the school. I love school, crazy I know, but this was my choice so maybe I see it different then I did in high school. Don't get me wrong I'm still a social butterfly but I do my school work to ( this is why I haven't really had time to post lately).
Okay so now to the pics on how the kids are growing
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