Friday, May 09, 2008

Friday Fill ins

Okay so its that time of week again. I love these Friday Fill-ins. It something different and you can go see what everyone else wrote. Go here ( the link button wouldn't work.) to participate and if you did participate leave me a link to your blog because I would love to read your answers!

1. The recipe had an extra secret ingredient; it was cummin!

2. Peeing through my window.

3. Right now, I need some sleep.

4. Looking at a house with my dad is where I went Thursday night; it was nice to step out for a moment.

5. Why does lack of sleep hurt so much?

6. All I can think of is the bed.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward sleeping, tomorrow my plans include hanging out at the house and hopefully going camping and Sunday, I want to relax with my family.

1 comment:

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

Okay I am trying to post a comment again!!! I like you answers even though I didn't quite get the peeing out my window.