No I'm not pregnant we now have a 8 month old lab mix named Lily. She's already housebroke and crate trained. Rylee and I brought her home last night and by noon today she was so attached to the kids that when Ry got hurt with me beside her Lily jumped between us thinking I hurt her. She never snapped or barked just looked at me until Rylee said Mama and then she moved. I thought it was cute. I need my camara there are so many new things to show everyone and I can't take pics.
We measured Rylee the other day and she has grown 2 inches since August (yes mom I'll watch her closely, I know I grew that fast.). Jakob is so.........what's the word a BOY. He painted his walls for me yesterday so not only did I have to do laundry and scrub the walls and his crib, the Kirby people decided to show up and asked me if I wanted them to shampoo the spot where the dog a pooped (this was 4 hours before I went and got Lily so we didn't have a dog), two hours and half a bottle of febrese later. So I opened his window and prayed the smell would leave. But then he smiles and he's my baby again.
We went camping a month ago so I thought I'd put some more pics up.